The other day in the small town I coach in, I heard sound and before I looked up I was already back there, back to the sand. This familiar sound, already visiting that place in my mind, I knew it was a black hawk. It gracefully set down in a small airport in a town 8 thousand miles away from where I envisioned it.
Familiar sounds of loud diesel engines remind me of war machines. Certain foul smells of burning garbage remind me of the desert. Little birds (small helicopters) annoy me cause they flew so low to our CHU's (trailers we lived in) at night, I think pilots did this to piss us off lol. Big helicopters remind me of being safe, I knew if an Apache (attack helo) was up in the air I could sleep like a baby cause anyone outside the gates was about to have a real bad day.
The sense's are a powerful thing. They help me to never forget.
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